Alexandra Matheson Kregg
Memories of Alex

Alex had three loves in her life: the love for her husband, Mike Kregg; the love for her children and family; and love for her work at Wegmans Food Markets. For over 40 years, Alex dedicated her life to the pursuit of creating a Wegmans family wherever she worked. From the deli days in Buffalo, New York, to the café manager at Hunt Valley, MD and her last post as Human Resource Manager at Hunt Valley, Alex shared her passion for coaching, mentoring, and teaching the Wegmans Way! For those of us who had the pleasure of knowing her, please share a story, a memory, or a lesson to learn, keeping Alex alive for generations to follow. It has been my honor and privilege to know such an incredible woman. I am forever changed for knowing you, Alex. Thank you!
- Wendy Webster, Plymouth, MA
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More Memories Of Alex
I went to The Mount with Alex , we met early on & she’s been my friend ever since 💖 1. My older brother was a little cocky - one day (when she was over) , he asked Alex to make him a bologna sandwich … she did **with LOTS of CHILI POWDER on it (LOL) - it was pretty unforgettable !! ** I love you Alex ** 2. She painted “Uncle Sam” on our basement wall - It was awesome !! 3. Alex had much more spunk to my quiet … she had an orthodontist appt & encouraged me to meet her at my house after my mom went to work (yep, she had a key to my house) & we’d skip school . I was so nervous, that I never did it again , but that day was fun ! ** Alex was ALWAYS fun** 4. She stayed over my house all the time .. but if she didn’t - I’d walk her home , then we’d turn around & she’d walk me home , then , yep back towards her house , & it went on 💖 bc you could do that yrs ago in S.Buffalo in the dark !! 5. Our moms went to the movies together ❤️ I haven’t seen my friend in awhile , BUT we did keep in touch with calls a couple of times a year …. Your mom was always proud of you kids , & all of her grands … I will miss EVERYTHING about you Alex 💖💖💖
- Sharon (Heavey) Farnham
We all say at time of death that the ones we loved have gone too soon, but in the end, we also know that it is not the years in your life, but the life during those years. I’ve been so Blessed to have been just a little part of Alex’s life. For my last birthday, Alex gave me a white Friendship Lantern. On the front, the inscription read: “Friendship isn’t one Big Thing, It’s a Million little Things”. I added the batteries to the lantern and found the perfect spot in my Florida home. Afterwards, I sent a photo to Alex, so she could see it with the light on. And, as I reminisce about all the After Work Girls Cocktails, the Beach Getaways, Cruise Vacations, Double Date Nites, not to mention the numerous homemade dinners (no special occasion needed), they were indeed a million little things. And so, my dear friend, when I return to Florida; I’ll put the light on for you.
- JoAnn
Alex was such a beautiful woman. She was so caring and loving towards me and my 2 sons. She was a mother figure and a great supporter. Alex was a great listener and gave me great advice and encouragement. I'm sad to hear you are no longer with us but I'm glad to have met you. Thank you for 12 great years. I appreciate you and will miss you. Hunt Valley will never be the same with out you. My condolences to Mr. Mike and her children and grandchildren and her family.
- Tiffany
Alex was a beautiful person with a strong and loving spirit. I had the pleasure of working with her for many years and she always made me laugh. She was always there for everyone and was never too busy to give you time attention and advise or a story to help you feel better. My twin sister Maureen and I will miss her forever. She helped arrange a baby shower for Maureen Lidard and Maureen and I will be forever grateful for the kind gesture. May her spirit be with the Lord until we meet again. Hugs
- Helen
Mama Alex is what I called her. What can you say about a diamond, Mama Alex treated everyone like family and once your family your covered. At one point in my life I was not on the up and up. Mama pulled me up and told me” it’s going to ok and you are worth more then you know”and don’t let no one tell you differently . She never stopped encouraging me to keep going. Mama Alex was definitely a diamond. Love you mama.
- Joy R K Camper
I met Alex when we were 18. We both worked at A&P. We were close friends since then. We were there for each other for our weddings, for our kids, for our divorces, the loss of our parents and new beginnings. We laughed a lot and sometimes cried together.
I will always hold dear our times together.
- Kathy Brazell Kuster
You probably know most of the stories I'd share - Our dinners at Matheson"s before class - The classes we shared - Alex doing my mom's shopping when I was at Bona's - (Mama had Alex's (and Fran's) numbers on speed dial.) The years when Jessie was a baby - the marathon Risk games - When Mr. Matheson died and Mrs. Matheson's relatives crowded Alex out of the flat and she stayed at our house for the wake and funeral... So many memories - so much laughter and tears and life shared. I believe that Alex is with all those she loved and who loved her that have gone to their God before her - but for all whom she loved and have loved her and who remain - our hearts hurt and our world is lessened by her passing.
- Nellie Moran
I don’t have a story about Alex. But I do have memories of her. I remember how kind she was to her mom.. I remember the time is it I might’ve been at Peg’s and Alex came in and have coffee.
I really can’t remember any time that Alex ever didn’t have a smile on her face. Her part was open to all. And her laughter was contagious.
Alex loved Her children and her grandchildren. She loved life in itself she was a true Irishman. And most of all she love Mike.
The world lost a truly wonderful person.
- Carol (Flagg) Woods
Growing up an only child, I distinctly remember the moments in my childhood when I was part of a big, bustling, full house. When I go to those places in my memory, Alex's home comes up immediately. I remember her hosting us for holidays, gathering to share a meal with family members (cheers to a full table of redhead women!). Later in life, as I moved out of Buffalo and out of the country, Alex would always follow my journey, and I hers. We would chat over message and she would share her love. It always made me smile, and remember those meals, the family, the community. Alex was truly a kind-hearted, loving, and supportive individual who has too-soon become an angel, watching over her family. Much love to Alex and everyone who cared for her. Sending support from Phoenix, AZ <3
- Madisen Hughes