

Gather your team together virtually to package Happy Hope Bags. 


Ready to be a super Hope Hero? You choose the day, number of kits to pack and theme of your Happy Hope Bags. We provide all supplies, instructions and shipping materials in advance. On your event day, join us virtually to have fun while working together to share smiles and hope!



Join us remotely or in-person for an amazing team building event packing happiness!


Let us be a helping hand in making your virtual and in-person event fantastic! You choose the day, number of kits to pack and theme of your Happy Hope Bags. We create a custom registration link for participant sign-up, provide all supplies, instructions and shipping of materials in advance. Happy Hope Team lead available with minimum order.



Unite your team for an unforgettable event packaging Happy Hope Bags.


Join us for a truly unforgettable Happy Hope Factory experience! You choose the day, number of kits to package and theme of your Happy Hope Bags. We will set up your factory to include stations and the Happy Hope packing line complete with a conga line to inspire your heroes in the mission of doing good and giving back!

Happy Hope Foundation Icon

The Happy Hope Foundation is celebrating 13 years of delivering hope and joy to children facing crises nationwide and internationally through community and corporate team building activities. Your charitable contributions have served over 750,000 children in need of hope. Join us virtually or in-person for an unforgettable and uplifting team building event. Be a Hope Hero. Do good, give back, share hope!

Our Story

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Signature Happy Hope Bags®


Thank you to our Hope Reads Sponsors

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Share Hope Anytime, Anywhere

Plan your event!

The Happy Hope Foundation provides impactful turn key teambuilding events nationwide and internationally for teams of 5-10,000. Contact us to plan your next event!

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Inspire Hope. Share Smiles.
Discover Purpose.

The Happy Hope Foundation provides a special opportunity to bring hope and smiles to hospitalized & homeless children in communities nationwide. Our Hope Box Project and Pop-Up Hope Factories are fun and creative volunteer events that will engage your whole team!



Do Good

Give Back

Share Hope


Hope Factory events per month


Children have received Happy Hope Bags

1 Million

Goal to help 1 million children by 2024