A note from Emi,
Greetings Happy Hope Heroes! I am thrilled to share that we are writing our very first book that will take you on our journey toward building the Happy Hope Factory. You will get an inside glimpse into the seedling of an idea that has inspired and delivered hope to hundreds of thousands of children facing crisis and the corporate and community heroes who have been instrumental in making a difference. We believe at the Happy Hope Factory that each one of us has a distinct purpose, a calling that can change the world for those in need of hope. Join me this summer for our mini series, Hope Chats, as we prepare to launch The Book!
Today is a moment in time unlike any other, it is your opportunity to discover the million amazing gifts that shape you into the wonderful hero you were created to be in this vast universe. Wendy and I have had the tremendous blessing of spearheading this initiative we are honored to call The Happy Hope Factory, where we see goodness thrive through heroes, like you, dedicated to making the world a better place for children in crisis. The Happy Hope Factory, born out of a desire to deliver hope to hospitalized and homeless children nationwide, has been in my DNA since I was a very little girl. It has shown me that no dream is ever too small and that seedlings can, indeed, turn into fruitful opportunities changing lives and instilling the promise of better days ahead into dark corners of the world. Together, we can make every single day and the future of tomorrow a brighter place through conscious and positively directed efforts of our time, talent and treasures to be beacons of light, of compassion, joy and understanding. There is no doubt that this, in turn, transforms and leads us to a worthier version of ourselves in our journey to discovering our own meaningful purpose. It is my hope that through the next four short books you will gain a glimpse inside of our journey which has brought us together, on this great day, to do good, give back and share hope!
Joy & Blessings